How Long Can Chiggers Live on Your Clothes?
On clear, sunny days, you might prefer to lace up your hiking boots and go for a walk in nature. Unfortunately, pests can put a damper on even the most beautiful weather. Chiggers, a tiny but annoying pest, are reddish, microscopic larvae of mites that can leave you with itchy bites that bring your day outside to a screeching halt.
Their life-cycle consists of several stages, but they bite humans during the larval stage. Chiggers often prefer grassy fields and forests, especially in warm and humid climates, waiting for their next victim to pass by.
If you’re dealing with these frustrating pests, you may feel like they’re impossible to avoid, especially for an outdoors-loving person. But the good news is that you can control chiggers with the right strategies, and a key part of your approach should be understanding how these larvae interact with your clothing.
For example, can chiggers live on clothes? Can chiggers bite through clothing? Take a closer look at what you need to know to arm yourself against these pests the next time you’re out in the wild

How Chiggers Interact With Clothing
One of the biggest questions nature lovers worried about chiggers tend to ask is, “Can chiggers live on your clothes?” Unfortunately, they can. Chiggers are notorious for hitching a ride on clothing, where they can crawl around until they find skin to feed on. That’s why knowing how to protect yourself from chiggers is so vital — they are quite persistent.
Fortunately, there’s a common misconception that chiggers can live long-term on clothing. Because they still need a host to feed on, once they’ve detached from a host, they won’t have the means to survive on clothing long without a food source.
How Long Can Chiggers Live on Your Clothing?
Chiggers have a short lifespan on clothing, usually only 24 to 48 hours without a host to feed on. However, there are factors that can influence this timeline, like warmth, moisture levels, and the amount of time since their last feeding.
Moist environments can extend their lifespan, but only slightly. The goal should be to prevent your clothes from being a suitable habitat for them in the first place. For this reason, it’s crucial to wash your clothes immediately after coming in from outside to kill off any lingering chiggers.
Common Questions About Chiggers and Clothing
The behavior of chiggers when it comes to clothing is often surprising for lovers of the great outdoors. Here are some frequently asked questions about chiggers' relationship with clothes.
Can Chiggers Live in Your Shoes?
Chiggers can technically crawl onto your shoes just like they can any other part of your body. Yet it’s important to remember that the same rules apply in this scenario; no host means no food and no way of sustaining themselves. It’s certainly possible to find them in your shoes, but they won’t live there long without a meal.
Can Chiggers Bite Through Clothing?
Chiggers can’t bite through tightly woven fabrics. However, they can reach exposed skin, mainly if there are any gaps or if you’re wearing loose-fitting clothing. You can prevent chigger bites by wearing permethrin-treated clothing that’s designed to fend off any hungry chiggers.
Can Chiggers Live in Clothes After Washing?
The chances of chiggers surviving the spin cycle are slim to none. Experts recommend washing clothes that could have been exposed to chiggers right away. Use hot water and detergent to ensure that any stragglers are eliminated.
Tips for Staying Chigger-Free
If you want to stay chigger-free when enjoying the great outdoors, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself.
Wear Protective Clothing
Wear long sleeves, pants, and other protective gear to cover your skin. It’s even better if the clothes are made from tightly woven fabrics, such as denim.
Wear Permethrin-Treated Clothing
You can buy clothing and gear treated with permethrin, an insect repellent that’s excellent for keeping chiggers at bay. This treated gear can be highly effective, and the repellent is odorless. Additionally, your protection is built into your gear, meaning you won’t have to worry about reapplying sprays or other protective measures.
Avoid Sitting or Lying in Chigger-Prone Areas
If you need to rest or take breaks, wait until you can sit on a clear, dry surface. Sitting in tall grass or brush can make you much more likely to get chigger bites.
Wash Clothing Promptly
Don’t hesitate to wash your clothes after spending time outside. Wash them separately and immediately to get rid of any chiggers that might still be crawling around. Remember to use hot water and detergent to ensure that every last chigger is eliminated.
Apply Insect Repellents
Use insect repellents as an added barrier for exposed skin. DEET can be helpful for this purpose, but take care not to spray DEET products on clothing, as this can ruin some synthetic materials.
Preventing Chigger Bites With Treated Clothing
As with treated gear, an effective way to help prevent chigger bites is to wear permethrin-treated clothing and accessories. Permethrin is a powerful insect repellent that can protect you from chiggers, as well as many other biting insects.
The Benefits of Permethrin-Treated Clothing
Nature lovers often prefer permethrin-treated clothing because it can provide long-lasting protection. Permethrin treatments remain effective after washing, helping provide consistent protection from bug bites.
Many people aren’t fond of chemical repellents because of the smell. But permethrin is odorless, so there are no strange scents or mid-trail reapplications to deal with.
Having an extra layer of protection also makes it significantly less likely that chiggers will attach or crawl onto your skin. The hungry chiggers might power through regular clothing, crawling around until they find an exposed area. But the permethrin-treated clothing can make you unappealing as a potential food source, which is exactly what you want.
Recommended Insect Shield Products
No matter where your outdoor adventures take you, Insect Shield has products that can help protect your skin from chigger bites. From lightweight shirts and pants to hats and accessories, our permethrin-treated gear gives you reliable protection against chiggers and other pests you might encounter. It’s an investment in your comfort that enables you to enjoy your time outside with less worry.
Keep Chiggers Off Your Clothes and Skin
If you’re someone who loves to spend time out in nature, then it’s essential to know how you can help protect yourself from chiggers with the right clothes and gear. Chiggers may have a limited lifespan on clothing, but it doesn’t take long for them to find a food source if you don’t take the proper precautions.
Protect yourself by wearing tightly woven fabrics, washing your gear after every use, and choosing permethrin-treated options. With the help of Insect Shield products and a few preventive measures, you can help say goodbye to chigger bites.
Insect Shield plays a major part in providing reliable, long-lasting protection from insect bites with our high-quality, permethrin-treated products. Browse our extensive collection of insect repellent clothing, accessories, and camping gear and find what you need to enjoy the great outdoors to the fullest.