The TickTracker Story

TickTracker is the first app that helps users report and track ticks in real time. It is a program of the LivLyme Foundation that helps track, report, and educate people about ticks.
In July of 2017, 13-year-old Olivia was on vacation in Missouri with her family. While outside Olivia noticed a tick on her dog, Mo (short for Missouri). Olivia & her mom watched the tick start to burrow into Mo’s leg. They quickly found needle nose tweezers to properly remove the tick from Mo. As Olivia was removing the tick she asked her mom, “Is there an app that can show what ticks are around us?” That night Olivia looked online and found that currently there was no app to help. This gave Olivia the idea to create the TickTracker app to help keep everyone safe.
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Facebook: @TickTrackerAPP
Instagram: @TickTracker