When Is Mosquito Season?

Mosquitoes are a ubiquitous part of summer throughout the United States and many other parts of the world. These flying pests make their home anywhere water can be found, even in small quantities like puddles. Not only are mosquitoes annoying, but they also carry a range of diseases, including Dengue Fever, Zika, West Nile, and more. 

While mosquitoes are prevalent just about everywhere, there are steps you can take to enjoy even the busiest mosquito seasons.

Mosquito On a Hand

What Is Mosquito Season?

What exactly is mosquito season? Like many other common pests, mosquitoes are most active during certain parts of the year and completely inactive during others. The specific answers to “When does mosquito season start?” and “When is mosquito season over?” depend largely on the geographic area, so there’s no simple guideline.

Mosquitoes start their lives in bodies of water, and they need certain conditions to reproduce. This requires standing water and high enough temperatures, so winter is out of the question in most regions. 

Once the conditions are right, mosquitoes start hatching and growing to maturity rapidly, and they’ll make their presence known during outings and events of all kinds.

When Does Mosquito Season Start?

Once the days start getting warmer, you might wonder, “Is it mosquito season yet?” The answer depends largely on your geographical region. The United States contains many different climate zones, so mosquito season varies by several months depending on the region.

In the Southern U.S., mosquito season can start early. Throughout parts of Florida and Texas along the Gulf Coast, warm temperatures and high humidity early in the year provide a leg up for mosquitoes. The season can start as early as February, although this will vary depending on the weather for any given year.

Other regions that are hot and humid early in the year will also see plenty of mosquito activity. Further inland in Texas and Florida, along with Louisiana and surrounding states, mosquito season kicks off around early March.

More mild regions of the U.S. have a delayed start compared to these Southern regions. The Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, and Western U.S. are likely to have mosquitoes first emerge a bit later, around early April, as they simply don’t reach high enough temperatures until that point.

Cooler regions have even greater reprieve from mosquitoes. The Northern U.S. and the Pacific Northwest might not see any signs of mosquitoes until late April to early May, varying from year to year.

When Does Mosquito Season End?

This, too, depends on the local climate, with each region having its own timeline for mosquito season. The first frost is generally the end of the line for mosquitoes. While they might hold up better in cooler temperatures than many other insects, they will eventually die off as temperatures drop.

In the southern regions of the United States, mosquito activity extends well into the fall. In northern regions, mosquito season will drop off by early or mid-fall, depending on the specific temperatures experienced that year.

Warm spells during late fall and winter months can lead to mosquitoes reemerging from their winter hiding spots. You might notice isolated activity during these periods. Once temperatures dip back down to cooler levels, the mosquitoes will head back into hiding.

Mosquito Life Cycle and Activity

The start, end, and length of mosquito season are closely linked to the mosquito life cycle. Understanding that lifecycle can help you avoid mosquitoes and enjoy more outdoor activities.

Mosquitoes start as eggs laid in stagnant water. The eggs lay dormant until they become warm enough to hatch. Larvae hatch from the eggs and grow quickly as warm weather sets in. They then enter the pupal stage. During this period, they don’t feed, but are still capable of rolling and other movement.

Finally, the adult mosquito emerges. While mosquitoes require warm weather to breed and grow, adult mosquitoes are actually more active during the cooler parts of the day. You’re most likely to encounter them during early morning and at dusk.

The mosquito life cycle relies on stagnant water, which is why they’re so common in swampy areas and even around lakes and rivers where isolated pools can form. Dry spells can seriously reduce mosquito numbers in areas away from permanent bodies of water.

How to Prepare for Mosquito Season

You can take a few simple steps to prepare for mosquito season ahead of time. People are often surprised by just how quickly mosquito season arrives, so don’t put off preparations until it’s too late.

  • Eliminate any standing water on your property, if possible. Even small puddles or water pooled in toys left on your lawn can serve as a mosquito breeding ground.
  • Clean out gutters to prevent water from forming standing pools, as gutters are another prime area for mosquitoes to reproduce.
  • Repair any window screens to prevent mosquitoes from getting inside your home. Mosquitoes can fit through very small gaps, including minor cracks and gaps around window and door frames. Reseal window and door frames to keep mosquitoes out.

In-Season Mosquito Control Tips

Once mosquito season has started, there are more steps you can take to deal with them, whether on your property or during an outing. Insect-repellent clothing is an excellent solution. Mosquitoes can bite through clothes, depending on the thickness of the fabric, so simply applying insect repellent to exposed skin isn’t always enough.

Around your home, cover up any objects that might collect water, like wheelbarrows. If you have a pool, keep it clean and stick to the recommended chlorine treatment schedule.

When you’re enjoying outdoor living areas at home, you might consider options such as citronella candles or mosquito repellent area sprays. They provide a temporary solution to keep mosquitoes at bay.

Applying topical insect repellent is a good option as well, especially if you're heading to a densely forested area or near bodies of water. And if you’re dealing with serious levels of mosquitoes indoors, you might consider mosquito nets.

The Role of Insect-Repellent Clothing

Insect-repellent clothing can be highly effective in protecting against mosquitoes. Clothing with built-in mosquito protection is an excellent way to avoid bites. Shirts, jackets, pants, and accessories like socks, scarves, and hats all come pre-treated to provide long-lasting repellency. Additionally, nearly any type of clothing can be treated with products like Permethrin Spray to repel mosquitoes for extended periods, even after washing. These products over-excite the insect nervous systems upon contact, quickly paralyzing them and causing them to drop off.

Choosing the proper type of clothing for specific activities is also key. For excursions such as hiking, long-sleeved shirts and pants are a good idea. Make sure to have a hat, and consider neck protection as well.

Gardening at home you can often find sufficient protection with comfortable t-shirts that have been treated. A wide-brimmed hat will help keep pests away from your face. For outdoor gatherings, you can find a wide range of treated clothing to suit any style or apply permethrin spray to your existing outfits.

Make the Most of Busy Mosquito Months

Understanding when mosquitoes are most active will help you plan to avoid them. Measures such as simple yard maintenance and mosquito-repellent clothing help you enjoy the outdoors while staying protected from mosquitoes. 

At Insect Shield, you can find a full range of options to handle mosquitoes, including high-quality mosquito nets for home, camping, or anywhere else. Additionally, explore their extensive collection of insect repellent clothing, workwear, pet apparel, and various gear and accessories.

Explore Mosquito Repellent Clothing & Spray

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